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cultural worker, curator
Public in the Making
artistic director: Ekmel Ertan
coordinator: Zeynep Okyay
editor: Nafiz Akşehirli
organization committee: Nafiz Akşehirli, Zeynep Arda, Fatih Aydoğdu, Pascal Brunet, Mehmet Erkök, Ekmel Ertan, Zeynep Okyay, Fabienne Trotte.
graphics: Fatih Aydoğdu
organizers: İstanbul Technical University, İzmir Economy University, BIS
coordinator: amberPlatform
supporters: Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, İstanbul Bilgi University, Europist
18-22 October 2018, Istanbul
“Public in the Making” is being organized in the frame of “Trans-making: Art / Culture / Economy to Democratize Society. Research in Placemaking for Alternative Narratives” ( project supported by Horizon 2020, coordinated by Relais Culture Europe (Paris)

Public in the Making is a conference-gathering that will take place in Istanbul from 18-20 October, 2018. This event is part of the “trans-making” ( project, which is supported by the EU’s Horizon 2020 program and constituted by 20 institutions and some 150 individuals from 14 countries. The project’s Turkish partners Istanbul Technical University, Izmir University of Economics and BIS coordinated it in close collaboration with Istanbul Bilgi University. Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Design Atelier Kadıköy (TAK), European Cultural Association, AICA, Architecture for All, PASAJ, Street Belongs to Us Association, City and Children and Komsu (Neighbour) Cafe Collective. BIS is in charge of the general coordination.
The three day event casts a multi-disciplinary glance at a most confusing and problematic sociopolitical concept, the public/public sphere through the spyglass of the act of “making”. Public in the Making includes the perspectives of disciplines ranging from art and design to philosophy and architecture and urban planning and aims to pursue and construct in practice a genuine approach that seeks mutual creation and genuine knowledge, true to the true spirit of the word Public.
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